Information About Your Included Web Hosting Plan

What is included with the Stream Hosting included web hosting plan?
100 MB of disk space
1 GB of bandwidth per month
5 email accounts
3 MySQL databases
Unlimited subdomains
FTP access
cPanel access

What plans include free web hosting?
Free web hosting is included with all of our Stream Hosting plans.

Is a free domain name included with free web hosting?
No, you can purchase one from our domains page - 

How do I activate the free web hosting plan?
If you submit the domain name that you'd like to use at the time that you place your Stream Hosting order, your free web hosting account will be activated automatically.
If you do not own a domain name, you can purchase one from our domains page -

Can I upgrade the free web hosting?
Yes, you can upgrade to one of our larger web hosting plans at any time.
Just submit a support ticket to upgrade.

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